Octaveblue - John Turnbull

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As a practising Christian, I aim to increase the Christian-based matrial on this site as time goes on.

Bible Gateway is a place I often go. Very handy for quick lookups etc.


2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God
is with you wherever you go.”

Letting God take control

During prayer for a friend, I was prompted to write this short story...

A small boy was bought a toy car by his father. Before he could play with it, it had to be assembled. Eager to get started, the boy emptied the box and began assembling the toy. As his father watched, he said to the boy "would you like me to help you?" "No" replied the boy, "I can do it myself" and he continued. The boy tried for some time but somehow couldn't make all the parts fit together. Eventually he got fustrated with it and said to his father "ok, I give up. It's too hard. Can you do it please?" The boys' father sat down, read the instructions and began assembling the toy. In no time at all it was done and he gave it to the boy. "Here" he said, "It's finished, you can play with it now".

How many times have you tried to do something in you own strength? I know I have, many times. DON'T! Let God take control. He is the Father and we are His children just like in the story. We get fustrated in the same way as the boy and eventually give our problem to God. When it all works out we say "If only I'd done that in the first place!"

Have a look at this article on the Season of Peace web site.

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